Sunday 24th September 2017 Visible Radio Broadcast


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Another beauty that really speaks to me/us. Been a weird week, and I can identify. A mixture of good and bad, but the good was there because of the bad, so. . .

Kazz said...

I don't believe anything specific was supposed to happen on the 23rd September Vis, except that the Revelation 12 sign would herald in the beginning of the time of Jacob's Trouble—also known as the Tribulation Period. October the 5th is when satan is thrown out of Heaven toward earth. Whether this presents as a physical or spiritual manifestation will eventually become apparent. Personal experience has taught me that it is usually only in retrospect one is able to look back with clarity, because whilst in the midst of transformation things aren't always clear. Looking back always provides one with a more informed understanding of what has unfolded, especially in regards to spiritual matters where one must walk into the unknown with only their faith to guide them. I find it is usually in the months that follow an event that clarity is achieved, because all the facts and information necessary are finally received to be digested. It is in this way the Divine reveals the different layers of Creation. At least that is my experience.

Luv Kazz