January 31st Radio Transmission

This Sunday's radio broadcast is now alive and streaming on the aethers.


Kazz said...

I don't hold with the faithless path or the fundamentalist path, I walk the middle path, which is where one finds the avatar descending within our hearts/Holy Spirit. If you have been misled Vis then so have I because I am getting the same transmission.

Grovelling and false humility are transparent to me, and I find these behaviors more insidious than endearing. Such behavior is unfitting for the I AM. I feel one should walk with their head held high out of respect for that eternal aspect of the I AM that resides within. Controlling ones desires and behavior to bring glory to that which is eternal is what grace really is to me, grovelling is for those who bow, and I believe our eternal creator has made it very clear to us that bowing to anything or anyone in this physical world is bowing to creation, not God.

Luv Kazz