30 March 2014

(right click / ctrl-click the "Listen" link for download options)


Visible's Self-Improvement Guide,
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World

- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'

Visible's 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World'

...is now available to buy at Amazon.

Paperback: $25.00
Buy Visible's 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World' from Amazon
Kindle Edition: $9.99
Buy Visible's 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World', Kindle Edition from Amazon

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.


delboy said...

Great stuff as always Vis, much thanks, and happy spring days for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible

Lovely sharing, the timbre of the Heart in the voice gathering yet another harmonic.

As Granpa used to say, the 'magnetic center' will attract one to different levels of schools and teachers, or new (c)Age Bullshit.

Then again all Traditions have the oral transmission and the Mental one. books are just the 'fill' for the monkey mind that also wants to chew on something of the path.

Be well, be Alert