11 December 2011

(right click / ctrl-click the "Listen" link for download options)


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Les. Good food for the soul. Love, Serena

gurnygob said...

Thanks for the radio show Les. Full of hope and remembrance of my/our real purpose here. It’s so easy to forget that our journey here is to find the pearl of great price, or something like that, and then go home. Thanks for reminding me. I loved the part about attracting the attention of passing angels with our light. I know all these things, but the woes of the world/my world, scream so loudly in these times.


Anonymous said...

Great show thanks
Needed the reminder about God in everything/doing everything- suppose I forget sometimes too

ravenise said...

"Its almost like something from the invasion of the body snatchers, you walk through this world and try to look and act like everyone moving around you because at any moment one or several of them will turn and point at you and emit that silent scream like Donald Sutherland"

So true! You often explain that the world is a distraction and very good at it... that in fact it may be its primary purpose.

I notice this kind of behavior jumping out at me from people. Particularly when I am enlightened and in a state of communion with the divine. Once I reach a certain state while meditating, all kinds of inexplicable things will jack in the box around me almost as though they were set up to try distract me from this state of being.

For example, my roommate could be fast asleep, and right as I reach a state of illumination and awareness, and suddenly he wakes up and hits the wall with his arm or some such thing.

Thank you Les, it was a great show.

Anonymous said...

Thanks man. Love ya.


traveller36 said...

Bravo!! Thank you, thank you for the timely reminder. "oh lord remove my short comings and replace them with your divine qualities" Boy am I reminded daily of what it is I am trying to ask; the price is not much yet the illusion clouds the mind and whispers "It is too high, too late, too long you have delayed". I still have a few strands of thread attached to my back holding me to this world. I am not overly afraid; I seem to waiting; I am not sure what I am waiting for but I am at peace. My journey is about to begin. I am touched and grateful for your dedication to the divine. Your words in all forms (songs, blogs, books and radio shows) are a daily sustenance for the soul.A beacon of hope for the seekers, a rest stop for weary feet, a pillow for heavy hearts, a prod for those asleep.Thank you, thank you!!

WV: hydeote - an idiot who is high?

Steve said...

Hare Krishna Sri Visji,

I find myself in an ashram of sorts, without any titles but a beautiful river running by. After loosing the boat, (through my own foolishness) I find myself back on land after a brief but all so amazing 3 years on, in and with the sea. One day I would like to be back there, some day, but for now the kids are in Steiner School and I am "wwoofing" on a splendid farm in the Upper reaches of the Yarra Vally in Aus. We are cutting hay today after spending the last few days getting the new (second hand) machinery hooked up to the tractor and learning how to use it. I have a multitude of hands on skills from time spent practicing in spite of myself and are now finding I like the work that I do. I like working here, 'cause there is no money involved. We trade, I work a bit here and there, he gives me free rent and expenses for myself and my family, we buy/grow our own food. Sometimes, like this week with the hay, I am working every day, other times I might have a week off if I have something else on or my Mum comes to visit, (she loves your radio shows and the first one she listened to she cried). In these cases there are no time clocks or keeping of hours. This is one of the least stress free places I have lived in for quite some time and as a result I am seeing the divine in ways that where previously obscured by me trying to keep everything under control, such a fooloish construct of self masturbation on my behalf, but my courage is growing in tandem with my letting be.

You play an invaluable part in my life and I gain tremendous insights and valuable information and encouragement from your radio shows, blogs and comments sections and I would dearly love to catch up with you and your friends in Mexico. It's a long way from here and I have some School fees to pay first, but if I do come across some work with sufficient pay I will be there in a jiffy, so excuse me if I turn up at the last minute. (grin) I have let Amarynth know of my situation, and I will let God through my every day situations determine the rest.

How sweet It is.


Anonymous said...

via homer..

Hare Krishna Les prabhu!

You sound very mature and nicely seasoned.
Like a fine spicy yogurt (haha)

Yes, rely on God and more.
Become friends, if possible and I'm pretty sure it is possible.

December 11 is my birthday and I'm considering this a gift from you.

I'm pretty sure you don't mind, either..

onething said...

As for the God-not God dichotomy, I tend to think of it as aware of God/ not aware of God. Since God is everything, it must be us who can fail to perceive.

I used to be able to make God everything. I even succeeded at work a lot, which is saying something, since I have a very distracting type of employment.

So I feel a little sad today, remembering that but perhaps it's good. The reminder.

I have gone as long as two weeks with a constant awareness of the Reality of God. Kind of like always having this visceral remembrance that God Is.

I struggle so much to get ahold of anything positive about losing my son. For me it has been a spiritual fall. I don't know if it should be, but it is. My relationship with God has always been a joyful one. But there must be an important lesson, or a new way of being that can come out of this. Surely there was a reason for it, or if not, good can be made of it?

A poem of Hafiz, appropriate to your broadcast:

You could become a great horseman
And help to free yourself and this world

Though only if you and prayer become sweet Lovers.

It is a naive man who thinks we are not engaged in a fierce battle,

For I see and hear brave foot soldiers all around going mad,

Falling on the ground in excruciating pain.

You could become a victorious horseman

And carry your heart through this world
Like a life-giving sun

Though only if you and God
become sweet Lovers.

Tarafara said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I know that loss as well, as my only sister was murdered, and I still am trying to find the positive in it. It is a lonely road, though, and many people don't understand the grief, the anger, anguish, etc. I still weep at times out of nowhere it consumes me. I wish you solace and peace in your heart.

Thanks for the remembrances and to include god in all things! Luv you brother! Be safe on your upcoming journey!

INfiniTE LOVE said...

ThiS wAs moVIng ... i am moved,
thAnk YoU ! -)

only love

ps ... C, i'm alREADy over hERe
... mOviNg )